Animal Manure Production Capacity Calculation

Livestock and poultry excretion emission(reference)
The amount of fecal excretion of livestock and poultry is related to many factors such as animal species, variety, sex, growth period, feed and even weather.
Tables 1 and 2 list the daily emission factors and annual discharges of livestock manure.
Table 1 Daily excretion of livestock manure and its content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
Livestock Type Excrements
(kg/ one livestock/per day)
Nitrogen content
(g.N/one livestock/d )
Phosphorus content
(g.N/one livestock/d)
Manure Urea Total Manure Urea Total  Manure Urea Total
Cow Milking cow 45.5 13.4 58.9 152.8 152.7 305.5 42.9 1.3 44.2
Unproductive 29.7 6.1 35.8 38.5 57.8 96.3 16 3.8 19.8
Adult 17.9 6.7 24.6 85.3 73.3 158.6 14.7 1.4 6.1
Beef cattle 0-2 years old 17.8 6.5 24.3 67.8 62 129.8 14.3 0.7 15
>2years old 20 6.7 26.7 62.7 83.3 146 15.8 0.7 16.5
Dairy cattle 18 7.2 25.2 64.7 76.4 141.1 13.5 0.7 14.2
Pig Finishing pig 2.1 3.8 5.9 8.3 25.9 34.2 6.5 2.2 8.7
Breeding pig 3.3 7 10.3 11 40 51 9.9 5.7 15.6
Poultry for egg producing Yong Chicken 0.059 0.059 1.54 1.54 0.21 0.21
Adult chicken 0.136 0.136 3.28 3.28 0.58 0.58
Poultry for meat production 0.13 0.13 2.62 2.62 0.29 0.29
Table 2 Annual excretion of livestock and poultry
Livestock Manure Pig manure Poultry for egg producing Poultry for meat production Cow manure
396 27.38 8.25 10950
urea/g.(one./a)-1 522 / / 6570
B0D5/9.L-1 36.54 2.46 0.74 293.83
Ammonia nitrogen/g.L-1 6.75 0.33 0.099 4.38
The amount of fecal resources in China’s livestock and poultry breeding industry
The livestock manure contains a large amount of nutrients such as NP, which is a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer raw material. For a long time, Chinese farmers have always used livestock and poultry manure as raw materials to improve soil fertility. Livestock and poultry manure is an important valuable resource for ensuring the sustainable development of China’s agriculture. Table 3 shows that China’s livestock and poultry manure production is very large, with an annual output of about 1.73 billion tons, including 1.07 billion tons of cow dung, 270 million tons of pig manure, 340 million tons of sheep manure, 180 million tons of poultry manure, and total livestock manure. N contains 15.97 million tons, P is 3.63 million tons. Compared with the amount of chemical fertilizer applied in China in 1995 (equivalent to N, P, and K are 20.219 million and 6.324 million tons respectively), the N and P contents in livestock manure are equivalent. In China, the amount of chemical fertilizer applied was 78.9% and 57.4%.
Table 3 N, P content and total feces of livestock and poultry in China(reference)
Items Cow Manure Pig Manure Cow Manure Poultry Manure Total
Annual P/10,000t.a-1 146.1 115.9 16.18 83.49 362.9
Annual N/10,000t.a-1 900 307.5 81.97 199.64 1597.6
Annual Manure/10,000t.a-1 107533 27141 34156 18875 173216
Estimation of manure production in livestock farms
Cow Farm Adult cattle(kg/d) 35 Breeding cattle 21 Burdock(kg/d) 7 Annual(t) 6
Sheep Farm Adult sheep(kg/d) 2.7 Breeding sheep 2.3 Lamb(kg/d) 0.9 Annual(t) 0.7
Pig Farm Adult pig (kg/d) 7~11 Annual(t) 2.4
Chicken Farm Adult chicken(kg/d) 0.15 Annual(t) 4.5

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