Poultry composting machine is mainly used for making organic fertilizer. With this machine, it will be easy and convenient for you. Shunxin provides you 3 different types of composting equipment for different poultry manure processing technologies. Windrow type composting turner is a popular compost machinery. Shunxin provides you various poultry manure windrow turners. Besides, we also have complete poultry litter compost making system for you to compost with high efficiency.

3 poultry manure processing technologies for composting
Making poultry manure compost, there are 2 common poultry manure compost processing technologies you can employ. Meanwhile, if you like, you can also use traditional static fermentation for composting.
Groove type poultry litter composting technology
This composting technology needs to build a fermentation groove. What you need to do is put all the poultry litter into the groove. And then turn these materials when its temperature reaches 55°C-60°C. For shortening your groove composting period, Shunxin has various groove type composting equipment for you to choose. Whether you want to use it for your large scale or small-scale poultry manure fertilizer manufacturing process, we can meet your needs.
Groove type poultry litter composting for sale
Model: SX-3000
Main Power: 18.5kw
Mobile Power: 1.5kw
Lift Power: 1.1kw
Application: Turning the compost on the groove
Windrow composting for making poultry manure fertilizer
Making a windrow type compost is simpler than groove type composting. It does not need to build fermentation groove. You can rank your poultry dung into windrows and then turn them regularly. It is alternative for you to compost in an open area or indoor. Shunxin poultry litter windrowers can help you finishing compost in only 15 days.
Windrow poultry litter compost machinery for sale
Model: SXLDF-2300
Turning Width: 2.3m
Turning Height: 0.6-1m
Row Spacing: 0.8-1m
Power: 75kw
Static poultry dung fermentation composting
Besides, if you want to use static fermentation method, there are poultry litter fermenter for you. Shunxin fermentation tank overcomes the disadvantages of traditional static fermentation technology. With Shunxin poultry manure fermentation tanks, you can get fermented poultry manure fertilizer in a week. Moreover, there will be no stink during your fermentation process.

Equipment recommendations for your poultry manure windrow composting
Most of our customer prefer windrow turner for making composts. Here you can see some poultry litter windrowing equipment for sale in Shunxin.
Shunxin forklift poultry waste compost making machine for you small scale requirements
Forklift poultry dung composting turner is a muti-functional equipment. It is applicable for you use it as a compost turner or a forklift truck. If you want to make a small-scale poultry manure compost, this machine will be suitable for you. What’s more, it uses unique hydraulic design so that the driver can operate the discharge pot inside the cab.
Multi-functional poultry waste composting machine for sale
Model: SX-300
Color: Yellow(can be customized)
Size: 4930*1620*2660mm
Application: Turning organic wastes piles
Feature: Also can be used as a forklift
2.3m poultry litter windrow compost turner machine
Shunxin crawler type poultry poo compost processing equipment has both full hydraulic type and half hydraulic turning machinery. Especially, we adopt special design on it for doubling machine’s service lifetime. Moreover, its crawler belts make machine runs stably.
Poultry waste windrow turner for sale
Model: SXLDF-2300
Turning Width: 2.3m
Turning Height: 0.6-1m
Row Spacing: 0.8-1m
Power: 75kw
Moving type poultry dung turner for composting
This machine is similar to crawler type poultry manure compost machinery. Both of them turning materials by the stirring teeth below the machine. Meanwhile, this turner is also applicable for working indoor or in the open space.
Moving type poultry litter composting equipment for sale
Model: SXM-240
Compost Width: 2.6m
Compost Height: 0.8-1.2m
Moving Speed: 4.5-5.5m/min(adjustable)
Color: red(can be customized)
What is the procedure of making compost from poultry manure by Shunxin poultry composting machine?
- Dewater fresh poultry litter. The fresh poultry dung has high water content. It is not suitable for making compost. Thus, you had better dewater your poultry manure firstly. Shunxin has solid-liquid separator for you to dewatering poultry litter materials conveniently.
- Mix the poultry dung with some other microorganisms or accessories. It is available for you to add microorganisms or some other accessories into poultry waste. Doing this, the composted poultry manure will be better. For your information, you had better make the C/N ratio suitable. What’s more, it will be better if the moisture content is about 55%.
- Rank organic poultry waste materials into windrows. You can rank them in the cement floor or the floor which is covered by plastic film. For your information, both the height and width should be suitable for the poultry litter compost turners.
- Turn the poultry litter materials regularly. The best fermentation temperature is about 55°C-60°C. Thus, it is necessary for you to turn these poultry dung regularly. Generally speaking, you can turn them three times a week.
Making composts with Shunxin poultry composting machines, your compost time will be shorter. It is possible for you to compost in 15 days. While, it may be longer if the weather is cold. If you need, it will be a good choice for you to use our poultry litter fermentation pot, which can ferment in a week without the influences by weather.
For making your poultry litter compost better, what should you care about?
When you use a poultry composting machine, there are some tips for you to make you produce high quality compost fertilizer.
- It is necessary for you to make compost windrows in waterproof floor. If the floor is dank, there will be water seeping out. And then it may cause groundwater pollution.
- Keeping poultry litter materials moisture content about 55% can avoid dust and stink. Doing this, there will be less dust and stink generation. If there are litter water content, it will cause dust pollution. Besides, if the moisture content is too high, there will be stink.
- You had better make a canopy for preventing rain. Otherwise, rain will wash away the organic matter of your poultry manure compost.
- It will be better if you compost poultry dung indoor. Because, there will be stink because of the wind.

Advantages you can get from Shunxin poultry composting machine
Shunxin windrow compost making machines are popular in organic fertilizer manufacturer. Whether you want to make organic fertilizer or compost, buying a poultry litter compost making machine will bring you much benefits.
- You can finish your poultry manure composting in a short time.
- Your poultry litter composting effects will be better.
- It will be more convenient for you to make poultry dung compost.
- You can control the compost condition easily.
- Your costs on labor force will be highly reduced.
- The production efficiency will be high.
- The environment will be better.
How does the windrow turner turn poultry litter into composts well?
Why poultry composting machine is important in a commercial organic fertilizer production line?
In the whole organic poultry manure fertilizer manufacturing process, poultry composting machine plays a key role. Because the fresh poultry waste is not suitable for using as fertilizer. It is important for you to ferment it firstly. A poultry dung compost turning machine can help you make them into available organic fertilizer. After the composting, you can pack them directly for selling powdery poultry manure. Besides, it is also applicable to use granulation machines for making poultry litter fertilizer granules. Whether you choose to make powdery fertilizer or fertilizer granular, the poultry manure compost turners are essential.